Kavi Ashok Chakradhar
Popular poets of Hindi Kavi Sammelan forums, who were awarded with Padma Shri for their contribution to literature
about poet Ashok Chakradhar
One of the most entertaining, promising and famous poet, literary critic and writer Ashok Chakradhar is also there to beautify our list. He has served Jamia Milia Islamia as head of the department of Hindi for a long span of time of 29 years. He got associated with Institute of Life Long Learning at University of Delhi in 2007. Moreover, attained the post of Vice-chairman of Hindi Academy, Govt of India and the Vice-chairman of the Kendriya Hindi Shikshan Mandal, ministry of HRD, Govt of India. He was also awarded by Padma Shri and Yash Bharti Award. Many dramas, Children’s literature and Adult Education Literature are jotted down by him.
Poet Ashok Chakradhar is just a call away from you. To contact Kavi Ashok Chakradhar you can directly call on 8889977811 or email us at mail@mykavisammelan.com